Queer Temple is the first LGBTQIA+ series produced by TUTV, co-created by Temple students Christopher Smith and Andreas Copes. The program explores the world through the eyes of LGBTQIA+ individuals, with a focus on current events, history, and life in the queer community.
On the Fall 2023 semester premiere of Queer Temple, Laila Paige hosts a special episode that focuses on understanding the transgender community through personal stories and open conversations. Joining Laila is Athena Anderson (She/They), a junior at Temple University studying secondary English education, and Kendall Stephens (She/Her), a social work master’s student and activist. In a discussion panel, they address transgender representation, discuss misconceptions, and share self-care practices to encourage those who are in the process of self-discovery. Later, Amanda Bule (She/Her), the Wellness Education Program Coordinator at Temple University’s Wellness Resource Center, shares campus resources and gender-affirming care services.
Tune in to this vital discussion Friday, November 17, at 12:00 & 8:00 p.m. or watch anytime on templetv.net.