Be sure to read the TUTV Submission Agreement and our DOs and DONTs to ensure you are not in violation of any pre-existing copyrights.

  • Description

    Please provide the title of you work, a brief synopsis and a link to your work so that we may review it. Be sure to include any additional contributing authors/artists in the comments section below. If your work is not available online please reference the TUTV Submissions page for submitting content via mail.
  • If your show or program includes more than one episode, please provide the name of your show or program here and episodes title or number below. (Example: NASA 360)
  • (Example: Episode 02 - Green Technologies and NASA)
  • In minutes
  • Accepted file types: jpg, png, psd, Max. file size: 128 MB.
    Hi-res image no larger than 800 x 600 pixels
  • (i.e. You Tube, Vimeo, Blip, etc.) If this video is password protected, please note the password in your comments below.
    Please specify if you give permission for your work to be displayed on TUTV and