The Little Princess

The Little Princess

When Captain Crewe is called to service during the Boer War, he enrolls his little daughter Sara in a boarding school run by the heartless Amanda Minchin. Sara, a generous, unspoiled child, is dubbed “The Little Princess” by her schoolmates because of her distinguished family. At the school, Sara is befriended by Amanda’s jolly brother Bertie; her riding teacher, Geoffrey Hamilton; her tutor, Rose, who is in love with Geoffrey; Becky, the little skullery maid, and Ram Dass, the servant of Lord Wickham who lives across the way. On the day of Sara’s birthday party, Miss Minchin receives word that Captain Crewe has been reported killed in action and all his assets confiscated by the enemy. To pay for Sara’s expenses, Miss Minchin sells the girl’s clothes and makes her a kitchen servant, sending her to live in the attic.

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