SMC Lecture: Carolyn Byerly

Carolyn M. Byerly of the Department of Communication, Culture and Media Studies at Howard University presents “Women in Journalism: A Global Status Report” as part of the SMC Spring Speakers Series.

Byerly’s new book, The Palgrave International Handbook of Women and Journalism, features 29 national case studies of women’s status in news companies showing uneven progress for women in the profession. The research, based on the study, “Global Report on the Status of Women in News,” is the most extensive to date to assess women’s standing in the field. In the nations of Eastern and Nordic Europe, women are near parity with men and, in some nations, have even surpassed men numerically. In other nations, women have only barely begun to enter the profession. The lecture explores where women have made the greatest advancements and consider the factors that promote and hinder women’s advancement.

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