Humanities Lecture: Cristina Gragnani

Cristina Gragnani is an Assistant Professor of Italian at Temple University, specializing in turn of the twentieth century Italian literature and culture. Her research interests lie in three different fields: Italian women writers, late nineteenth-century literary periodicals, and Luigi Pirandello. She has published articles on Willy Dias (Fortuna Morpurgo), Elda Gianelli, Anna Franchi, female readership in post-unification Italy, and Luigi Pirandello.

With Ombretta Frau she is the author of the 2011 book Sottoboschi letterari (Literary Underworld, Firenze University Press) and of the critical edition of Pirandello’sTaccuino di Harvard (The Harvard Notebook, Mondadori, 2002). She is currently at work on a book on Italian women writers and World War I, and on a collaborative Digital Humanities project (also with Ombretta Frau) on the material culture of late nineteenth-century Italian women writers.

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