Anxiety and depression are the most common mental illnesses in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults. Due to the lack of any visible physical symptoms and the stigma, it is difficult to tell if someone is suffering from mental illness. Lisa Bien is joined by Ron Donatucci Jr., president and co-founder of the Michael P. Donatucci Foundation, Inc., who shares his brother Michael’s story. Lisa Pflaumer, executive director of Michael’s Giving H.A.N.D., discusses signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression. Michael’s Giving H.A.N.D. is a non-profit charitable organization, which was established by the Michael P. Donatucci Foundation, focused on helping teens, parents, counselors and teachers recognize and understand anxiety disorders and depression.

Bouncing Back is a TUTV original program, created by Lisa Bien. Each episode showcases guests from all walks of life, each bringing their unique stories of personal struggle and resilience. Through heartfelt conversations, Lisa and her guests discuss how they have overcome challenges and demonstrate the strength it takes to face adversity.