Bouncing Back from Debt

Image of one dollar bill
With a college education becoming not only more necessary but also more expensive, debt has become commonplace for young people but no less difficult to navigate.


Lisa Bien tackles the fraught and often complicated topic of romantic relationships just in time for Valentine’s Day.…

Second Chances

Second Chances

The road to redemption for two guests is the main focus of discussion this episode of Bouncing Back.…

International Students

International Students

Ooka (“Richard”) Lee is an international student from Dalian, China, who is majoring in Media Studies Production, a TSG member of the Main Campus Board, and an international resident coordinator.…

Freshman Year Struggles

Freshman Year Struggles

Bouncing Back host Lisa Bien invited freshman student Jake Galli and TSG Student Body President Raymond Smeriglio to the set to talk about the many challenges as well as the exciting opportunities students face during their first year at college.…

Losing a Loved One

Losing a Loved One

The loss of a loved one can strike at a moment’s notice, or can be a slow drawn out uphill battle.…

Graduation Anxiety

Life After College

Lisa Bien speaks with Brandon Thompson, a senior Public Relations major, and Andy Esworthy, a senior Strategic Communications major, about their studies at Temple and how their hard work has prepared the them for life after graduation.…

Life with ADHD

Host Lisa Bien invites student Ethan Wasserman to share how his life has been impacted since receiving a diagnosis of ADHD in kindergarten.…

Living with Bipolar Disorder

Living with Bipolar Disorder

About two million American adults, or about 1 percent of the population age 18 and older, have bipolar disorder, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. …