16th and Philly

16th and Philly reveals the never-before-told story of the rise and fall of one of the greatest playground basketball leagues in history.  It takes place just blocks from Temple campus at 16th and Susquehanna, a basketball court in the heart of North Philly.

Commonly regarded as ‘Philadelphia’s Rucker Park’, the playground was familiar to the likes of Wilt Chamberlain, Hank Gathers, Doug Overton, Rodney “Hotrod” Odrick, Aaron “AO” Owens, and Bryant “Sadeye” Watson. “400-500 people on a Monday night” would show up to watch the neighborhood play. Wilson, Odrick, Owens appear in the documentary to help tell the story themselves. Directed by local media businessman Isaiah Nathaniel, 16th and Philly takes you from the park’s heyday to its present condition.

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