Temple Update


Temple Update is a weekly, half-hour news program written, directed, and anchored by Temple students. The program focuses on news and events on campus, in the surrounding area, and anywhere there may be a story of interest to the greater Temple community. Every semester, the graduating seniors of Temple Update anchor, produce, and direct the semester finale, where they get one last chance to showcase their student broadcasting talents. You will see some familiar and not-so-familiar faces as some of the regular behind-the-scenes crew make their debut on the screen. Congratulations, Catalina Santana Cintron, Brianna Fallon, Madeline Gillespie, Devaughn Jackson, and Tyler Loughery Klein College of Media & Communication Class of 2024!

Tune in to TUTV or templetv.net for the Fall 2024 Temple Update Senior Send-Off on Thursday, December 12, at 10:00 AM & 6:00 PM.