From the City of Brotherly Love to the City of Love!
This summer, Temple University Television is teaming up with NBC10 for an extraordinary Klein GO program of Olympic proportions! Four students will venture from Annenberg Hall to Paris to capture stories showcasing the thrill of the Games.
Chris Blackman, Klein’s Director of Career Services, will lead the group on their journey to Paris! Before joining us at Temple, Chris worked in international media markets worldwide and in Philadelphia, where he served as the VP of News at NBC Philadelphia.

Natalie Koranda is a fourth-year Communications Studies major at Klein College. You may have seen her anchor for OwlSports Update. Natalie will use the skills she has learned here to report on the socioeconomic and environmental impacts of large-scale events like the 2024 Olympic Games on surrounding communities. “…I cannot even begin to describe how excited I am to be able to create stories internationally while covering a world-class event,” Koranda wrote.

Hayden Winter is a fourth-year Media Studies & Production student at Klein College. He has demonstrated his proficiency in directing, editing, and producing various TUTV Live shows such as Temple Update and OwlSports Update. With these skills, he will utilize his expertise to report, edit, and produce captivating live content from Paris.

Maggie Pzywara is a fourth-year Film & Media Arts major at the School of Theater, Film & Media Arts. She is eager to deepen her understanding of film and media in the City of Lights by reporting live and gathering content from Paris.

Rachel Williams is a third-year Journalism major at Klein College. You may have seen her hosting TUTV original programs such as We Need to Talk or Artists Among Us. Rachel is passionate about storytelling and will use her skills as a Witty Wordsmith to report live from The City of Lights.

Their hard work will culminate in three live broadcasts called TUTV Live In Paris. They will air live on July 23, July 25, and July 30 at 12:00 PM EST, with an encore presentation at 8:00 EST. Mark your calendars and tune in to TUTV on Comcast channel 50, Verizon channel 45, Main Campus channel 1074, or templetv.net