Shedding Light: Pilot Episode

(Recorded in April 2024) Shedding Light is TUTV’s first series focused on disability, exploring the lives of those in the disability community, its history, and more. In this series premiere of Shedding Light, host Remington Vaughan leads the discussion surrounding disability representation and more. The first guest, Janelle Vuong, class of 2024 Global Studies Major, discusses life with juvenile idiopathic arthritis, its impact on being a student, and more. Later, Remington sits down with students Barbara Lewandowski and Meg Mohr, as well as director of undergraduate studies Dr. Scott Gratson, for a candid conversation about navigating life on campus with a disability. Finally, the director of Temple University Disability Resources & Services (DRS), Carry Snyder, gives a tour of the DRS center and sheds light on all the different resources Temple University offers.