Temple Update: November 15, 2012

Megan McNerney reports of a robbery on a Temple student and interviews, Temple Spokesman, Ray Betzner on how to stay safe when traveling off campus. Isabel Garcia interviews students that studied abroad and takes a look at their research. Taylor Engel reports on the Veterans Day Observance honoring those that have sacrificed their life for their country. Marchelle Roberts reports on   the RA selection process with the set date of Morgan Hall to open in the fall of 2013. Ashlee Mericle attends a comedy benefit show at the owl cove featuring comedians from the Temple University Comedy Club. Johnny Mehler interviews Temple Basketball player Scootie Randall’s game winning shot against Kent State. And Simone Cuccurullo attends one of the most popular networking events on campus, the sports journalism summit.

Original Airdate: 11/15/12
Anchors: Isabel Garcia and Charles Watson
Sports: Rebeccah Hendrickson

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