Temple Update: Senior Show

Maurita Saulkey speaks to graduating seniors about their future endeavors. Yale Alpert travels to Franklin Square to see how residents are getting into the holiday spirit. Connor Barkon takes a look behind-the-scenes of the Toys for Tots organization, which have mobilized 16,000 toys for underprivileged children. Ginger Rausseo presents some of the top movies this holiday season. Grace Chimel visits Philadelphia’s annual Christmas Village to see what the stands and festivities have to offer. David Halgash covers Temple student’s Ferguson and Eric Garner protest march on campus. Keshroy Spencer takes a look back at past Temple Update shows for a semester-in-review. Kevin Otte steps out from behind the cameras to conduct a Temple Football season wrap-up. Tim Misnik does a “F’Lunch” review on the popular lunch truck, Sexy Green Truck. Alex Petyerak presents an update senior tribute to all the graduating seniors. Karina Cheung and Sarah Veronis anchor.

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