Temple Update: April 14, 2016

Erin Patterson is brought in live from the Bell Tower with a look at the Broad Street Stadium protest planned for later that day. Phil Dupont and Beccah Hendrickson discuss the local campaign efforts of Sanders and Clinton. Alyssa Jerome is live at Beury Beach with a preview of the weather forecast. Toyko correspondent Yingqiao Zhao shows how students at Temple University Japan Campus are preparing for finals. In the newsroom, Rocco DiSangro explains one student’s efforts to revitalize local playgrounds. Hannah McComsey reports on the Food Truck Festival in Center City. Later, Kylie Winkler has the hottest stories on Temple Update‘s website, including more on how the Temple Community came together for Relay for Life. Dan Ray takes a look at the Big 5 Banquet and the honors Temple received. Alyssa Jerome has the five-day forecast. JD Mousley showcases the Spring Farm Festival at the Philadelphia Convention Center.

Anchors: Phil Dupont, Rebeccah Hendrickson, Kylie Winkler
Sports: Rocco DiSangro
Weather: Alyssa Jerome

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