OwlSports Update: February 25, 2016

Emily Milliron and Rob Arciero are back at the news desk for another episode of OwlSports Update. To begin, Emily and Rob recap Men’s Basketball’s games against Tulsa and Houston. Moving on to Women’s Basketball, Emily takes a look at the team’s recent match ups against Tulane. Rachel Zerbe is in the newsroom to explain how Temple’s game against Tulane was about more than just basketball as it was also Breast Cancer Awareness Night. Ayanna Clark catches up with the Women’s team to find out more about the record-setting game against Memphis. Later, Rob Arciero talks about Women’s Lacrosse and the team’s bright future. Emily Milliron learns more about Women’s Fencing from their coach, Nikki Frank. In “Inside Owl Nation,” Tommy Sladek discusses the possibility of the Men’s Basketball team receiving an NCAA Championship tournament bid. Finally, Alexa Ross explains her pick for play of the week.

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