Episode 3

Maurita Salkey begins by debunking misconceptions about the Ebola crisis in West Africa with visiting Liberian student Lariann Patience Younquoi. Andrew Vlasak takes a look at the education systems around in world and in America by talking with Associate Dean of the School of Media and Communication, Deb Cai, who has taught both in the U.S. and abroad. Joined by Kathleen Grady of the Office of Sustainability and Beverly Coleman of Temple Community Relations and Economic Development, Alyssa Cassium explores the new age of Temple as outlined in the university’s 15-year master development plan, “Visualize Temple.” Andrew Salciunas sits down with Temple Police Special Services Capt. Eileen Bradley and North Philadelphia Activist, Estelle Wilson, to find out more about Temple’s plan to expand their policing program into the surrounding neighborhoods.

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