Warren Bennis

The foremost authority on leadership shares his life and knowledge of how true leaders come to be.…

Carla Malden

Carla Malden co-wrote the acclaimed memoir, When Do I Start, with her dad, the great actor, Karl Malden, who was one of the first guests on Between the Lines.…

Sir Ken Robinson

Sir Ken Robinson was knighted because of his ground breaking work on creativity and education.…

Dee Wallace

Dee Wallace has over 130 film credits including her breakthrough role as the mom in Steven Spielberg’s film E.T.…

Esmeraldo Santiago

Esmeralda Santiago was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico before journeying to New York City.…

Erin Brockovitch

Erin Brockovich is the real life inspiration behind the Oscar-winning movie that bears her name.…

Matthew Weiner

Matthew Weiner is an American writer, director and producer of television drama.…

Mitch Albom

The season opener features Mitch Albom (“Have a Little Faith”), who discusses life’s purpose and the divine spark that exists inside everyone.…

Gerald B. Schroeder

Physicist, Dr. Gerald B. Schroeder discusses his book, God According to God, A scientist proves we’ve been wrong about God all along, which was published in May 2009 with HarperOne and has enthusiastic endorsements by leading theologians, both Jewish and Christian, and a Noble Laureate scientist.…